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El Paso Northeast is a Seventh-day Adventist Church that exists to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, embracing all people in our community to make this church their home.


We seek to be with Jesus, acknowledging His abiding presence in our lives. We seek to become like Jesus, knowing His radical love will awaken love in our own hearts. And we seek to do what Jesus does, serving one another and His creation in fellowship.


In doing this, we accept the invitation Jesus extended to us as a church and as individuals: to reveal and remain in His love. 


The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a family of Christian believers who are united in mission, purpose and belief. Regardless of which part of the world you’re in, you can find Adventists seeking to follow biblical principles of Christ-like living, communicating, discipling, teaching, healing, and serving.


At El Paso Northeast, our message is simple: this is home. 


We recognize that worship is a constant act—both as a church and as individuals. On Saturdays, we gather as a church for Sabbath Worship (11am) and Sabbath School (9:45am) to praise, study, and learn . On Tuesdays, we gather as a church for Prayer Meeting (6:30pm) to pray and study as a community. And on Wednesdays, we gather as individuals for Reflect & Revive (7:15pm), a guided Bible study live streamed on Facebook. All are welcome. 

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